Pascal VOC

Folder structure

  • train

    • images

      • image1.jpg

      • image2.jpg

      • image(N).jpg

    • labels

      • image3.xml

      • image4.xml

      • image(N+1).xml

  • valid

    • images

      • image5.jpg

      • image6.jpg

      • image(N+2).jpg

    • labels

      • image5.xml

      • image6.xml

      • image(N+2).xml

  • test

    • images

      • image7.jpg

      • image8.jpg

      • image(N+3).jpg

    • labels

      • image7.xml

      • image8.xml

      • image(N+3).xml

The label file

The object field is composed of the following 2 fields.

  • name is the name of the bounding box class.

  • bndbox is the bounding box values.

    • xmin is the top left point X value.

    • ymin is the top left point Y value.

    • xmax is the bottom right point X value.

    • ymax is the bottom right point Y value.



Last updated